About ÖSD

About ÖSD

The ÖSD is a state-approved examination and assessment system for German as a Foreign Language and German as a Second Language. ÖSD exams correspond to the levels of the “Common European Framework of Reference for Languages” (CEFR) and Profile deutsch. ÖSD exams are internationally recognised as proof of language competence in German.

The German acronym ÖSD stands for “Österreichisches Sprachdiplom Deutsch” as well as for “Österreich, Schweiz, Deutschland” (Austria, Switzerland, Germany). The ÖSD fosters the concept of German being a pluricentric language, reflecting the variety of the German language in its exams.

Thus, the standard varieties of the German-speaking countries Austria, Switzerland and Germany are equally treated and represented in all exams. Reading and listening tasks use texts originating from these countries.

OSDexam OSDexam

ÖSD History

The years 1992/1993 mark the birth of ÖSD when it was established on initiative of ÖDaF in the context of a working group under the direction of Dr. Robert Saxer / University of Klagenfurt. In 1994, with the support of the former Austrian Ministry for Foreign Affairs and the former Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research ÖSD became a project at the University of Vienna within the German as a Foreign Language study programme, at the time headed by University professor Dr. Hans-Jürgen Krumm. Numerous notable German as a Foreign Language experts contributed significantly to ÖSD’s further development. On 1st December 1994 ÖSD was institutionalised under the trusteeship of Österreich-Kooperation known today as OeAD – the Austrian agency for international mobility and cooperation in education, science and research.

Since then, the ÖSD has received support and guidance by a board of trustees, which initially also included financial support by the Austrian Ministries. The board of trustees comprises the Austrian Ministries mentioned above as well as relevant institutions such as universities, other institutes of adult education and interest groups such as ÖDaF.

In terms of expert-knowledge and expertise, the ÖSD relies on a scientific advisory board. On a case-by-case-basis, the ÖSD also cooperates with other institutions for different projects, a recent example being the development of the exam Zertifikat B1 where we collaborated with the Goethe-Institute and the University of Fribourg in Switzerland, or with the Austrian Commerce Chambers for the development of the exam Zertifikat C2 / Wirtschaftssprache Deutsch.

Since the end of 2009, the ÖSD has been a self-sustaining non-profit organisation. The first exams were conducted in 1995, at then, 7 licensed centres. Today, more than 100,000 candidates from around the world take an ÖSD exam every year, at one of about 400 licensed centres. In 1998, the ÖSD was awarded the “European Label for Innovative Projects in Language Teaching and Learning” by the European Commission.

The ÖSD was and regularly is involved in numerous international projects (European Council), for example: as co-editor of The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages of the European Council, as well as Mündlich and Profile deutsch, the ÖSD makes a substantial contribution, which by default has increased the popularity of our exams.

Moreover, the ÖSD regularly publishes numerous scientific articles in topic-related journals (see scientific publications), is present at, as well as organising conferences and workshops, and by doing so, fosters expert discussion and academic exchange in the field of German as a Foreign and Second Language.


The ÖSD is a non-profit organization, led by and under the scientific direction of managing director Dr. Manuela Glaboniat.

A board of trustees serves as a supervisory and advisory body. Additionally, the ÖSD has a scientific board, as well as the general assembly at its disposal. For data protection reasons only, the institutions represented in the above-mentioned boards are listed below, not the names of the respective members themselves.

General Assembly

The general assembly includes representatives of

• the Austrian Federal Ministry for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs, the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research

• the Austrian Association for German as a Foreign / Second Language (ÖDaF)

• numerous Austrian universities (experts in the field of German as a Foreign / Second Language; test theory and similar)

• the association of Austrian adult education centres (VÖV) and

• the Viennese adult education centres

• Campus Austria

• the OeAD – the Austrian agency for international mobility and cooperation in education, science and research

•Universities Austria (uniko)

•the Austrian Chamber of Labour

Board of Trustees

The board of trustees includes representatives of

• the Austrian Federal Ministry for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs, the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research

• the Austrian Association for German as a Foreign / Second Language (ÖDaF)

• numerous Austrian universities

• the association of Austrian adult education centres (VÖV)

• the Austrian agency for international mobility and cooperation in education, science and research (in German: Österreichischer Austauschdienst, ÖAD)

• Universities Austria (uniko)

Scientific Board

The scientific board of the ÖSD includes experts in the field of German as a Foreign / Second Language and language test research from

• the Austrian Federal Ministry for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs

• the Austrian Association for German as a Foreign / Second Language (ÖDaF)

• the universities of Vienna, Graz and Klagenfurt

• the university of Fribourg / Switzerland

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